Thetaland® is a professional tool for education, coaching, and facilitation. It is applicable wherever thought is creative.
In educational contexts, Thetaland® is used to deepen subject matter and self-reflection. In the context of counseling and coaching, you can apply Thetaland® for professional profiling, for the explication of personal experience in a specific field of practice, and for the formulation of an authentic leadership or self-employment concept. As a moderation tool, Thetaland® opens up a creative space for in-depth and topic-oriented interaction with yourself and others.
The thinking tool Thetaland® is a companion to innovative projects in large corporations and small businesses and in non-profit and government organizations of any size and grassroots movements. Thetaland® supports the development of visions, missions, and strategies and the design of concrete products or services. It brings a subjective perspective in student theses and is a tool for comprehensive scientific theory formation. Thetaland® opens ways to solve complex problems in all these cases.
Thetaland® can also be played just for fun and enjoy thinking.